COALITION NEWS: Youth Sports Grant Applications | PLAYS Act Update
A key part of the PLAY Sports Coalition’s action plan in driving fair access to play experiences is mobilization. This vital aspect of our mission is to keep Coalition member leaders and programs informed on accessing potential resources to unlock increased access across the youth sports industry and the communities it serves.
Here are three imminent deadlines for grant fund applications that may be applicable to Coalition member organizations:
2022 Youth Violence Prevention Program
DEADLINE: Monday, September 12, 2022, at 8:59 p.m. ET
Through the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, a grant program accepts applicants who develop and implement a youth violence prevention strategy targeting middle and high school youth and/or those youth with multiple risk factors for violence.
2023 Volunteer Generation Fund
DEADLINE: Tuesday, September 13, 2022, at 5:00 p.m. ET
Through AmeriCorps, the Volunteer Generation Fund grants will be used to develop and/or support community-based entities to recruit, manage, and support volunteers.
Request for Proposals: Illinois
DEADLINE: Monday, September 19, 2022, at 6:00 p.m. ET
Laureus USA offers funding opportunities for sports-based youth development and training organizations operating in Illinois.
ACT NOW: PLAYS for Youth Sports Act
The introduction of the PLAYS for Youth Sports Act by Congressman Colin Allred (TX) last month was the first step in the legislative process.
Congressman Allred recently took another important step by sending a “Dear Colleague” letter to encourage his legislative colleagues to sign onto the PLAYS Act as co-sponsors.
Those representatives need to hear from you, your program, and your community about the importance of the PLAYS Act and its potential for creating critical resource support for youth development programs.
We need to use our united voices to ensure the PLAYS Act continues building legislative momentum. Please refer to this toolkit for sample letters and social posts you can use to help spread the word about this important legislation.
If you have any questions or legislator relationships that might help garner support for the bill, please pass them along to us at
💡 Kudos to the YMCA and PLAYS board member Katie Adamson for successfully activating its impassioned community of youth sports program advocates to support the PLAYS Act.
“When you advocate with the Y, you take an active role in bringing about meaningful, enduring change for your family, friends and community.”
Thank you to Katie and the entire YMCA community for their continued support!